Building Ourselves Up One Brick at a Time

Stopped for lunch at a little café where, across the street, a new building is going up. There’s a lot of hammering, and yelling, and a lot of guys in hard hats and steel-toed boots (just like that little orange dude).

12592256_571156219725354_3542596063202670748_nSometimes we see stuff being built and think, “Wow, that happened fast!” But, remember, we’re only seeing one little sliver of the whole project. By the time the construction crew is out, years have been invested in site scouting, financing, purchasing property, zoning, etc. The lawyers and architects and accountants have been hard at work drawing up plans and contracts everything else. But because we see only this tangible part – this making of something out of nothing, and not any of the behind-the-scenes prep work – we forget what a long time coming this is. 

That’s how it works with our personal growth, too. Long before we make big, daring leaps, there’s major prep work to do. We have to get in the right mindset. We have to build a strong foundation of confidence. We have to pull together the right pieces.

So please never get frustrated that you’re building isn’t going up as quickly as someone else’s. It will all come together in due time. Just keep doing the work, ONE BRICK AT A TIME.

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