You So Got This

I was working earlier on a big project, one that’s taking me out of my comfort zone. The deadline is charging fast and I’m freaking out more than a little. Sitting at my desk, I noticed that my left leg was bouncing like one of those old-school paddle board balls on a string, only in triple time. My heart rate was up. Then I heard the pipsqueak voice in my head say “You can’t do this.”

WAIT. WHAT?! (cue record-needle scratch sound)

So I got up out of my chair, walked into the kitchen to warm up my tea, and on the spot rewrote that self-sabotaging storyline. “What are you talkin’ about, punk?” my other inner voice shouted to its down-talking counterpart. “YOU SOOO GOT THIS!”

“What are you talkin’ about, punk?” my other inner voice shouted to its down-talking counterpart. “YOU SOOO GOT THIS!”

And, you know what? That tiny mental “atta girl” — which lasted all of a nanosecond — made a tremendous difference in how I felt, both about myself and the work ahead. And it was in some ways more convincing than a pep talk from anybody else.

Because I do “got this.” AND SO DO YOU. We’ve all got this, whatever our “this” is at this particular moment. We are smart, capable, powerful creatures who can do any little thing we set our minds to. It may take us a while to get going, but once we do — WATCH OUT!

Keep going, friends. I believe in you and the amazing things just waiting to be accomplished. Go go go go go go go GO!!

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