Angry Sisters: It’s Okay And You’re Not Alone

What a few weeks. It’s enough to make a girl want to – ugh, I don’t even know anymore. I feel like I’m one on on one of those playground spinny things that is moving at warp speed, and I can’t seem to jump off. You, too?

Feeling a STRONG need for my sisters today, and to be reminded that we’re all going through this together.

My treasured friends, if you’ve been feeling inexplicably tender or weepy or cynical or ragey or terrified or ragged, like your hormones are on steroids and you’re an over-inflated balloon about to burst any second – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If hearing Connie Chung’s letter to Christine Blasey Ford this morning made tears leak from your weary eyes – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If hearing Donald Trump’s disgraceful mocking of Dr. Ford’s testimony filled your body with a resentment that consumed every raw nerve – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you’ve been fighting a low-grade pissy-ness at your husband or boyfriend brother boss coworker cousin dad simply because they are men and some men have been shitty to some women – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you’ve been furious at your friend coworker mother second cousin Megyn Kelly Sarah Sanders Kellyanne Coway because of their support for Brett Kavanagh and anyone else who may ever be accused of sexual harassment/abuse/assault because the victim *might* be lying – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you received the “Presidential alert” text yesterday and you cringed and bit back an “Under His Eye” and wanted to throw your phone into the damn toilet – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you’ve driven your husband off social media with your vigor and volume – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you alternately or simultaneously want to crawl sobbing under the covers AND put on your biggest pair of shit kickers and punch somebody in the throat – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you’re petrified that the Senate isn’t gonna do the right thing and you wonder/hope about what kind of revolt might ensue – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If you’re tired of staying quiet and wonder when we’re all gonna start naming names and whether that’s something you might just do – it’s okay and you are not alone.

If the people you trust most right now are other woman who have a #metoo story – it’s okay and you are not alone.

Most days, the serenity prayer — Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference — keeps me grounded, keeps me level. Today, though, it’s reminding me that there are things we do not have to accept, that we can indeed spark the changes this world needs.


No matter what happens in the next couple days, I beg you, don’t get discouraged. Don’t get under the covers. Get up and get out and take up space and raise your voice and make yourself heard. Draw your lines. Plant your flags. Do it together. And never give up.

I love us so hard. I believe change is coming. I believe — and believe in — women.

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