Today I’ve been thinking about risk. Not the impulsive, impetuous, irresponsible kind of risk… but instead the kind that encourages us to put ourselves out there in new ways.
The kind that shoves status quo aside.
The kind that rewards the chances we take on ourselves with the most amazing things: Love. Trust. Connection. New thresholds of opportunity and fulfillment.
Convincing ourselves to take those kinds of risk, though, comes with a certain level of confidence that we should act – which is particularly hard when we don’t know for sure how things are going to work out.
So let me reassure you if you’re not yet able to reassure yourself: Go on the date. Take the job. Try the different city. Eat the unfamiliar food. Cut the hair.
As a friend of a friend said recently, “What’s the BEST that can happen?”
Here’s the thing, plain and simple: If you stumble, you’ll stand up again. If you’re bruised, you’ll heal. If you don’t succeed the first time, you’ll tweak the approach and try again.
And, no matter what, you’ll be just fine. Sometimes you just have to go for it.