Yesterday marked the end of semester finals for my high school freshman, who is celebrating (as she should!) by sleeping in this morning.
Finals and the run up to them were tough – there was more studying, and on harder subject matter, than she’d ever known before. “It’s been so busy that I don’t even feel like I’ve been able to enjoy the holiday season,” she said the other night. “Like, it’s not even fun.”
“You sound like a grown up,” I told her. (And I didn’t mean it as a compliment.)
“I know,” she said. “Is it always like this??”
“Yup – but worse,” I told her. “Imagine doing all you’re doing plus driving the taxicab for teenagers; planning for, shopping for, and cooking all the meals; buying all the holiday gifts.
“There’s not a woman I know who’s having fun right now,” I said…
… and, as soon I saw the look on her face, I wished I could have taken those words back.
Because it’s not my job to put that stuff on her.
It’s not my job to perpetuate the ridiculousness and overwhelm of productivity culture for the next generation.
It’s not my job to make her feel guilty about being a kid or anxious about becoming an adult.
What is my job?
It’s my job to help these beautiful girls of mine find the magic of the season… and in every day.
To teach them how to prioritize and simplify, how to cultivate being over doing.
To show them what slowing down feels like and tell them why she needs it so she can learn early to balance effort with ease.
So while they are sleeping in, I’m sharing this little lesson I learned with you in hopes that you can slow down, too… and then I’m going to shut it down and snuggle up amid the incoming polar vortex. (STAY WARM, EVERYBODY!)
As I sign off, I want to thank you for being part of this community, for your interest in and support of my work, for the honor of your time and connection.
I wish you peace, warmth, and ease for the holidays… and I hope to see you (maybe even in real life!) in the new year.
All my love, as always.