A friend of mine asked me recently whether I ever missed the hustle and bustle of my old corporate job.
“Hmmmmm……… let me think…………. um……….. nope,” I replied.
Funnily enough, I haven’t gotten that question in a while so I didn’t have a canned answer. But the stream of consciousness that came out reminded me about the power of heart-following:
“I miss seeing some folks every day. I miss my paycheck. I really miss my health insurance benefits. Occasionally I miss a night alone in a hotel room.
I do not miss feeling crushed by a never ending burden of stress. I do not miss eating lunch hunched over my computer every day. I do not miss high heels. I do not miss billing or time entry or forecasts or margins. I do not miss measuring my worth by my title. I do not miss dreading Sunday nights and Monday mornings.
Now I love waking up. I love setting my own agenda based on my own priorities and values. I love that taking time out of my day to unroll my yoga mat is considered ‘professional development.’ I love flip flops. I love wearing my hair curly.
I love being my own boss and having the freedom to chase any damn dream I choose with no one telling me I can’t. I love spending more time with my kids. I love spending more time with myself. I love watching myself evolve in ways I never expected.”
Do I get stressed about the long-term financial implications of walking away from six figures for a less-certain future? Sure, sometimes. But do I question whether I did the right thing? Not for a second. As a good friend reminds me, “Shit works out.”
P.S. And I love this community. You guys are the best of the best. If you’re considering a big shift, maybe take a minute and think through the things you won’t miss and compare them with the things you will. You might be surprised at just how far the scales may tip. <3